Monday, November 5, 2012

Leftover summer pictures

Left overs from beach dates in July. Serious belly and serious cuteness with little Emilia.

 Look at her hair! LOL  She'll love these when she is older, hee hee.

Little Daddy Time

I noticed we didn't have any photos besides the birth photo of Mike and Natalia so last night we got a few cuties. He's been super busy prepping us for winter, wood getting, hunting, working... all not with us of course. Most of the pictures are of the kids anyways but it's good to have a few with us in them too!

 Of course classic Mike he has to be a goof ball... out of 6 pics these are the best shots. The sweet Mike and the silly Mike. Left the other guys behind! :)

 Miss I can do all things has a real hankering for the laptop. We use it for homeschool and she just thinks it stinks that she doesn't get her turn. She wants to push buttons when she shouldn't, turn it off, close the screen. All things that make getting anything done real tough on us. Now she has determined she is big enough to pick it up on her own and get right to work! Last night the laptop was on a shelf behind the couch. She picked it up, pushed it to where she wanted to sit (on the opposite side of the couch), sat and adjusted. We watched her go through all the steps. Those little feet sticking out from under the laptop are too stinkin cute! Mike approached her to take the picture. She put up her little hand and shook her finger at him saying no no no no. Don't take it away right?! She was pleased all he wanted was a picture of her feet!

Natalia Two Months Old

 Oh how they grow so fast. Little Natalia at two months old. Her hair is curly after a bath but still so fine it dries straight and gets pretty slicked to her head from all of us glomming on her! It's just too fun to rub her fuzzy feeling hair. Emilia calls her MeMe and gives her a good rub down quite frequently. We're trying to keep her from poking her in the eyes... she is really drawn to them. Natalia occasionally sucks her thumb or the whole fist and is starting to smile at us. She just melts us.

 Big Brother LOVE... both little ladies asleep on the couch with him squished in the middle. He loves them so

 Emilia loves loves markers... I was having a momma date with Natalia when she brought me some she'd found and a pad of paper... sure... color away... turn away for a minute and the girl colored her whole belly orange and the couch green. So creative she is!

 Emilia in a BIG GIRL SWING! Oh geeze how she has grown. She is thrilled to be so big. She loves to swing and of course now will only swing in the big kid swing. No putting her in the baby swing. Noooo way! Ask her if she is a baby... NOOOO WAY! Ha ha.
 Kiddos swinging in Aunt Robyn's porch swing looking at the garden. It's so beautiful there we all just love it.
 Little farm girl. She loves the chickens. We love to bring them food. It's a fun outing once in a while to my aunts farm. We'd just canned tomatoes and brought them all of the peels. They went crazy.
                                          I'm NOT tired she said... I just need to sit a minute...
This is the cutest picture of Emilia. She'd just woke up. She had terrific bed head hair. All she wanted was to sit in Natalia's cradle and have a little visit with her big bear Felix (previously Liam's big bear that he named). The look on her face here is just priceless to me.

Chicken Run / Escape Artist

 We visited Mike's cousin Sandra for some plum pickin good times. She recently got chickens that she gives free range of her big yard. Liam was a little freaked out trying to herd them and keep them away from Emilia. Emilia on the other hand was clearly not freaked out and got right in the flock! Had a little chat... showed them some dandelions then picked it when they weren't interested. She proceeded to follow them about trying to give one hen the dandelion but they still wouldn't take it. It was darling. She was trying to share. When we give my aunt Robyn's hens food they are sooo excited and come right to your hand. These ladies aren't as fond of my kids yet. We need to visit more often and bring them treats too!

We work hard to protect our kiddos and they scheme ways we don't think are possible to get where they want to be... this gate was placed low enough there 'was no way she could get under it.,' She tried to prove us wrong and almost made it. If she wouldn't have panicked when her head touched the wood she would have discovered a slight turn of the head would have allowed her to shimmy all the way. Stinker! The gate has been lowered. Emilia... 17 months... stunt girl in the making.

Natalia's One Month Old Picture

Baby Blue Eyes. One month old here... so alert and taking everything in when she is awake. Her eyes are dark blue and I am hoping they'll stay.

Summer Beach Fun

Our first and only outing to the beach after Natalia joined us was a huge success... and soooo much work for me. Emilia is fearless and insane at pushing her boundaries. Chasing her on the uneven ground was too difficult for me. She nearly drowned. Recovered. Then went for the waves again. Liam swam the farthest he'd ever gone before. I panicked. Natalia just snoozed away. I decided afterwards that I can't go anymore by myself. Not for a while anyway. I am seriously outnumbered. Maybe not seriously but it feels like it at times!

Summer Festival and Fair

 Mike took Liam and Emilia to the Children's Festival early August this year. They gathered together with good friends and had such a great time. Face painting. Balloon animals. Friends. Snacks. Music. Sun... What more could you ask for?!
 The Bonner County Fair is always a treat for us. We've always loved going and seeing all of the animals, crafts and other exhibits as well as fair food! This year Liam entered 3 Lego builds in the youth divisions and won a ribbon for each entry! He was to the moon excited. He is already planning his entries for next summer. He used his fair winnings to buy more Lego's, not much of a shocker there, to better help him win win win again next year. Too funny. I am pretty sure the cash would have burned a hole in his pants if we didn't drive him to the store immediately. Emilia loved the bunnies. She was presented with a huge rabbit to pet and after that thought every one needed petting.

Zonked little ladies in their Cadillac of strollers. Doulie Bob has proven to be better than we could have imagined.
Liam trying his best to get Emilia to join him in a beaver den. She wouldn't have it.
Emilia in the rabbit house. She wanted one soooo bad!

Natalia's First Day Home

 Liam and Emilia are soooo in love with their new baby. They both love taking turns holding her and feeling her squirm in their arms. We've all been waiting for her arrival with high anticipation. It is fun to see the joy she has brought to all of us.